Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shoe Re-Do

While Stumbling one day, I found this blog post, which covers a tutorial for re-doing shoes with Mod Podge. I happened to have an old pair of brown heels that I haven't worn in years, along with some gray plaid fabric, left over from another project, and a cold, gray January Saturday. Let the fun begin!

I started out with these shoes:

and this fabric, left over from my sister's Christmas gift. Wouldn't it be adorable as shoes?
And I got to work. First step: remove the bows. It's not pretty, but the new fabric should cover any unsightly spots.
Then, following the steps of the original blog post, I Mod Podged.
And ended up with this. The lighting is terrible, I know!
The ends are a little raggedy, probably because my X-Acto wasn't super sharp, and the backside is not the neatest. But I was pleased with my first attempt at this, pleased enough to wear them to work. Except not outside; they aren't waterproof yet. This spring, I will likely use some acrylic sealer or something to waterproof them.

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